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Iams and Procter and Gamble. An investigation taped and recorded by Peta, shows the horrible pain these two companies have put animals through. Not only do they make animals suffer, they animals they have enslaved, have been there for 5 years or more in conditions that are so bad that even the peope who work there complain of the horrible ammonia stench that burns their eyes. Iams and P&G both promised that animals in their studies would never be euthanized, but in Petas investigation they documented the destruction of 7 of the 60 dogs whose muscles were hacked out of their legs. more of them were found dead in their cages several days after the muscle surgery, one of them had been suffering for 11 days prior to her death. If any of these dogs get sick or have broken bones, they are killed rather than treated. This is only 1 labortory, there are dozens of other Iams labs across the country. This is only the beginning... if your heart can take anymore, and there is much more, read on ... www.iamsodead.com This is only one chapter in the book of cruelity by Procter and Gamble. They also have many products in which they use cruel animal testing that is not required by law. Each year, thousands of animals die in P&G labs. If we can decrease sales in all of their products, P&G might decide to use more modern, non-animals test methods used by other companies.Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus suck. The last time I went, I was in the first few rows, and when the tigers came out and I saw the look on their faces I could not help but cry. Everyone around me was amazed at the tigers and I wondered how they could not see the pain that I saw when I looked at these poor animals. The pain is no joke - large animals forced to live in cages that the Animal Welfare Act only requires that they have room to stand up and turn around, yet even these minimal regulations are routinely ignored. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus are both constantly cited for violations. Furthermore there are no laws for training methods. After years of investigation, Peta had found that there are no kind animals trainers. A former Ringling Bros. employee commented on how the circus treated one animal, she was a sweet little bear that wouldnt hurt anyone, but she had trouble balancing on the hire wire. She was beaten with long metal rods until she was screaming and bloody. She became so neurotic that she would beat her head against her small cage. She finally died. A Hudson News reporter stated that one chimpanzee that was being trained was repeatedly struck with a sturdy club. The thumps could be heard outside the arena building, and the screams further than that. There is no way that these animals would do these tricks if they werent deathly terrified of their trainer. They are being forced to perform and the whips, chains and shackles are a constant reminder of this. Circuses dont have much money, so when an animal is sick, it is seldom seen by a veternarian. More often than not, they fail to provide the animals with simple food and water.The March of Dimes uses your charity money to do cruel animal testing that is not only unnessesary, but for completely useless purposes. They inject alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and other substances into the brains of baby primates, kittans, puppies and many other types of animals, eventhough the dangers of these substances to human babies are well known. This is only the beginning of the pain this company is causing to baby animals - the pictures are shocking. For more information on Petas campaign against the March of Dimes, visit www.marchofcrimes.com/facts.html and find out why these studies can harm human babies as well.
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