
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way"

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way". What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way" paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way", therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way" paper at affordable prices!

Lido Anthony Iacocca was born on October 5, 14 to Nicola and Antoinette Iacocca. He graduated in 145 from Lehigh University and received a master's degree in engineering from Princeton University in 146. He began his career as an engineering trainee at the Ford Motor Company in August 146, but after nine months, wanting "to be where the action was", he shifted to sales and marketing. This "change of heart" set the stage for his monumental achievements for Ford.In 156 while sales were slumping, Lee, as a regional sales manager, developed the " 56 for ‘56 " program which enabled customers to purchase a 156 Ford for a modest down payment and $56/month payments. The program was an extraordinary success and was adopted as part of Ford's national marketing strategy. The program was responsible for boosting sales by an estimated 75,000 cars. This breakthrough started his rise through the ranks and by December 160 he was at the head of the Ford division. In 164, having anticipated the rise of the baby boomers, he was responsible for developing one of the most popular cars in automotive history the Ford Mustang. In 168, he repeated his success with the introduction of the Lincoln Mark III. These accomplishments led to his promotion in 170 as President of the Ford Motor Company, "second in command under Henry Ford II"."Never wanting to stop at success, Lee continued developing and implementing innovative and cost cutting ideas". However, his growing popularity and success was a source of concern to Henry Ford "who began to worry about this ‘son of an immigrant' taking over the family business". Tensions between Ford and Iacocca steadily escalated until finally reaching a head when Lee was forced to resign in July 178.His successes did not go unnoticed, and in November 178, he assumed the Presidency of the Chrysler Corporation. In Chrysler, he found a company plagued with management and sales problems and headed toward bankruptcy. "On the day his hiring was announced, Chrysler also announced a third quarter loss of $160 million, the worst deficit in company history".

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In 17-80, with the world economy in tatters, gas prices doubling and import cars steadily increasing market share, Chrysler was faced with insolvency. Lee, realizing that there was only one course of action to take, appealed to the Federal Government for aid. "His speech before Congress was so convincing, that the government agreed to guarantee $1.5 billion in loans if the company could raise another $ billion on its own. Iacocca then went about trimming operations, persuading labor unions to accepts lay-offs and pay cuts, shifted Chrysler's focus to fuel-efficient models and began an aggressive advertising and public relations campaign" to win back consumer confidence and support. Chrysler began improving quality and introduced the popular (Motor Trend Car of the Year 181) K-series cars and "in 184, the minivan, one of the best selling vehicles in North America". Iacocca succeeded in changing the company's image from just another "fat-cat American car company, to the underdog that refused to die" and people started buying Chryslers again. "By the end of 181, Chrysler showed a small profit; three years later it announced record profits of $.4 billion" . On July 1, 18, five years to the day of Lee's release from Ford, Chrysler completed repayment of their loans, a full seven years ahead of schedule.In 186, against his wishes, the Draft Lee Iacocca for President committee was formed to try and convince Lee to run for President of the United States. Although he graciously declined, it illustrated that "he had accomplished what few North American business leaders ever had He had become a national hero". Lee Iacocca continued as CEO of Chrysler until his retirement in 1. From 18-86 he successfully led the (non-profit) endeavor to restore the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, raising $05 million ($75 million more than the original goal) to complete the project. "Lee is currently Chairman and CEO of EV Global Motors, which he founded in 17, to design, market and distribute light electric vehicles and is the founder and principle owner of Olivio Premium Products, a Boston-based food company.Lee Iacocca's success can be attributed to the melding of his character and business philosophy. His energy, persistence, attitude toward risk and willingness to listen to people and take whatever measure necessary, enabled him to succeed. While he placed a premium on research, Iacocca believed that the ability and willingness to act decisively was the key as illustrated by his famous "Lead, follow or get out of the way". His philosophy is also described in another famous quote "In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words people, products and profits. Without the first, there's not much you can do about the other two". He recognized that the importance of his people as those who make the company. As a leader, he adopted one of the most basic (and ignored) principles of leadership Lead from the front. There is no better illustration for this than during the Chrysler "comeback". Lee was seemingly everywhere, "on the production line, in both high and low level meetings, at the White House, in Congress" or meeting with workers at his production facilities. He went on record to personally vouch for Chrysler's products. One of the key factors in the company's resurgence was a series of wage cuts that Lee instituted. In his showdown with the union, "he delivered a one minute speech in which he told them that he had thousands of jobs available for $17/hr, but none at the current $0/hr rate. He gave them one night to take it or leave it ‘but if you leave it', he advised, ‘I'm going to declare bankruptcy in the morning' ". The union agreed, not out of desperation, but because he had announced to them that he had already cut his own salary to $1 per year (a concept he terms "Equality of Sacrifice"). He didn't just talk the talk, he walked the walk.Lee Iacocca has had a major influence on American business and is one of America's most respected and recognized business leaders. He left his mark indelibly on the automotive industry with his numerous successes as President of Ford Motor Company and especially Chairman & CEO of the Chrysler Corporation. His meteoric rise from humble beginnings and through numerous adversities to the highest position in one of the nation's largest corporations is representative of the "classic American success story". ReferencesBooksConger, Jay A. , Rabindra N. Kanungo, and Associates. Charismatic Leadership. San Francisco Jossey-Bass, 188.Marcinko, Richard. Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior. New York Simon & Schuster, 16.Iacocca, Lee, and William Novak, comps. Iacocca An Autobiography. New York Bantam, 184.Internet SourcesSenior One Source Lee Iacocca. Retrieved February 6, 00. http// Iacocca The Man with the Plan. Cole, Dave, eds. 8 March 001. http// . Retrieved February 1, 00. http// Premium Products Lee Iacocca. Retrieved February 6, 00. http// note that this sample paper on Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way" is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way", we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Lee Iacocca: "Lead, follow or get out of the way" will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk paper at affordable prices!

Foreign currency exchange (FX) rates express the relational value between any two currencies at any point in time. The value of one currency over the other is determined by simple supply and demand. Fluctuations, and appreciation or devaluation of currencies effect trade globally. When it comes to government, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), and Balance of Payments (BOP) are two methods of evaluating the effects of FX deviations; in the case of foreign companies, domestic companies with foreign interests, and investors of the same, there are mechanisms available to effectively circumventing FX rate risks. Monitoring FX rate changes and relationships daily, and responding accordingly, is paramount in ensuring the well-being of countries, the profitability of companies, and positive yields for investors of foreign companies.

FX rates represent the price of one currency denominated in units of another currency. While it is meaningless to talk of the price of one currency against itself, it is nevertheless possible to measure the changes in the real value of a currency. In essence, inflation and deflation--that is, the change in the price of a fixed basket of goods and services in terms of a single currencyâ€"is the measure of change in the real value of a currency. A currency’s real value is often referred to as its â€purchasing power.” â€Purchasing power parity” (PPP) is said to exist between two currencies when both command the same basket of real goods and services at the prevailing exchange rate. The PPP theorem basically states that, in the long run, the changes in FX rates will equal the relative changes in the purchasing power of the underlying currencies. To illustrate, let’s consider the dollar/pound sterling exchange rate. To simplify the example, it is assumed that at a certain point in time, called the â€base period,” the market exchange rate reflected the â€true” exchange rate. In other words, the exchange rate was such that both currencies commanded the â€same” basket of goods. Assume that in the following period, the average price of that basket of goods increased 10 percent in dollar terms (i.e. the United States experienced an inflation rate of 10 percent, or equivalently, the U.S. dollar lost 10 percent of its purchasing power), and 15 percent in pound sterling terms. In the absence of restrictions on free trading, the theory suggests that the pound should decline 4. percent against the dollar, as implied by the ratio between the U.S. and United Kingdom inflation rates (1.10/1.15 = 0.57). Although, over the long run, actual exchange rates tend to roughly to track the exchange rates implied by the PPP theorem, at times, these rates can diverge substantially. Such deviations can be due either to institutional constraints, which can temporarily prevent the fundamentals from asserting themselves, or simply to the fact that it can sometimes take a long time, even years, for these fundamental forces to influence the behavior of market participants. â€A government that inflates is therefore led to try to manipulate the foreign exchange rate. When it fails, it blames internal inflation on the decline in the exchange rate, instead of acknowledging that cause and effect run the other way.”

In order to understand the forces that create deviations between actual and PPP-implied rates, it is helpful to analyze the supply and demand for a currency using the balance of payments format (BOP). The BOP is a statistical presentation of economic transactions, during a given period, between the residents of one country and those of the rest of the world. By international convention, the BOP is broken down into three accounts current, capital and official settlements. Although, in an accounting sense, the BOP is always in balance, the terms â€surplus” and â€deficit” are used to refer to the net balance of the current and capital accounts portion of the BOP. Other things being equal, the forecast for a BOP deficit implies a declining currency, because it means that during the given period the supply of that currency will exceed the demand. As with any commodity, when supply exceeds demand, the imbalance will create pressures, which force the price to decline until the supply/demand balance is restored. However, if the imbalance is short-lived, such a price adjustment may not necessarily materialize. If the monetary authorities in a given country do not want their currency to decline, because such a development would imply more expensive imports and as a result, higher inflation, they can simply absorb excess supply of that currency through purchases in the FX markets; the purchase or sale of a county’s currency by its central bank is called â€intervention.” Of course, such purchases must be financed through a draw down of reserves. However, unless the BOP deficits are reversed, the exchange rate cannot be protected indefinitely, since reserves will eventually decline to unacceptably low levels, forcing depreciation in the currency. In fact, a sustained decline in reserves is often a red flag, foreshadowing depreciation. Companies and investors, however, do have safeguards that will protect their companies and investments indefinitely.

Whenever a company manufactures in one country and sells its product in another country, the company is susceptible to FX rate risks. To ensure profitability, companies, like governments, must stay informed of intra-day FX changes. This information is not only utilized to make sale price adjustments, but also used in setting foreign costs of production. Unlike government, however, these companies can eliminate FX rate risks, in the same fashion as managers of foreign investment pools. Investing in foreign companies, as well as American companies with foreign interests have the same inherent risks to common stock holders of these companies. Stock portfolios of foreign companies and American companies with foreign interests, most commonly held by mutual or closed end funds, are categorized as â€world,” â€global,” or â€international” funds, and are managed by investment managers that must not only generate profits, but must also minimize losses for its investors. In addition to the obvious losses due to the fall in share values of stocks held by the fund, losses can also be incurred by changes in FX rates. A prudent money manager can avoid FX losses by hedging via currency future contracts and options of the same. Hedging is similar to, what we commonly call, an insurance policy, in that it protects assets; in this case, the assets are foreign stocks and domestic stocks with foreign interests. For example, if a fund holds $1,000,000 of stock in a German company, denominated in Deuche Marks (DM), the fund would sell ten $100,000 DM commodity futures contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT); if DMs remained stable by the time the fund sold the stock, the fund would neither lose nor gain on the futures transaction; if DMs, were to lose value versus the U.S. dollar during the stock holding period, the fund would profit on the futures contract and this would offset the currency losses incurred from the sale of the stock; if, on the other hand, DMs rose in value versus the U.S. dollar, the fund would experience a loss on the futures contract, which would, consequently, offset any profits due to currency inflation from the stock sale. Aggressive and knowledgeable fund managers utilize commodity futures markets, not only for hedging, but also as another profit center for the fund. For example, if the fund had sold twenty $100,000 DM contracts, instead of ten, in the above example, the fund would basically have two times the insurance it really needs; the additional $1,000,000 of coverage could be highly profitable to the fund. Profits from futures transactions could far surpass the profits from the actual stock transaction, and are often responsible for elevating the fund’s year-end yield standing well above those funds with the similar investment objectives that are not maximizing on FX opportunities.

Monitoring FX changes and relationships are paramount in ensuring the well-being of countries, profitability of companies, and positive yields for investors of foreign companies. Although governments have two effective methods (PPP & BOP) of evaluating and predicting the effect of changes in FX rates, governments do not have an effective way to protect their currency from appreciating or devaluating, but are at the mercy of large investors and fund managers that are constantly searching the globe for higher yields. Foreign companies, domestic companies with foreign interests, and investors, however, do not share the same fate. With today’s computers, Internet, access to information, and the ability to move capital globally, even the small investor can, not only, capitalize on foreign investment opportunities, but eliminate currency risks as well. Think global for higher yields!

Please note that this sample paper on Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Circumventing Foreign Currency Risk will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, May 31, 2021


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Morrie. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Morrie paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Morrie, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Morrie paper at affordable prices!

"Television dramas explore a number of issues to which we can relate and they comment on theses issues using verbal and non-verbal language." Discuss how two television dramas explore and comment on issues prevalent in the real world using verbal and non-verbal techniques. Highlight how these texts position you to respond to these issues in a particular way.The guardian produced by David Hollander and the secret life of us produced by Kate Dennis are great examples of a TV drama where by they explore and comment on a number of relative social issues. The Guardian explores and comments on such major issues as institutionalisation, representation of drug addicts and their families and the role of lawyers in society. A vastly different The Secret Life of Us explores and comments on such current social issues as Representation of doctors, their relationships with patients and friendship between different races. Both these texts allowed me to respond and comment in different and significant ways through its different uses of verbal and non-verbal techniques.The guardian has a certain episode that appealed to me. This episode dwelled heavily on institutionalisation, it implied the attitude that prison institutionalises its inmates and does not help them cope or adapt to the growing outside world when released. The text uses such techniques as character construction to portray this message. Mr Grey, a black gentlemen just released from prison reflects this idea. He is revealed to the viewer as having a lack of social skills and that he won't accept his wife's desires for a divorce, he is shown as unable to hold down a job as he assaults a fellow worker. His slight madness, which a naive viewer may perceive is actually a lack of social skills, is highlighted when he physically abuses his lawyer who in fact is trying to help him. Low camera angle shots depict him as powerful, however foreshadows that he could be threatening. His facial expressions change frequently and his voice slowly increases from calm and controlled to aggressive and irritated. Mr grey has body language that conveys him to be neurotic, at one point he appears attentive and calm as he sits and listens to his lawyer explain a particular situation. Yet at other times he paces the room, revealed through a pan shot, raises his voice and intimidates the lawyer by pointing his finger at her. This is a sign of his uncontrollable anger and lack of social skills. This issue of anger is very prevalent and relative in society today. With a man being ‘falsely imprisoned' for twenty years he is bound to come out of prison with a lot of stored up anger. I responded to this by feeling sorry, compassionate and understanding towards Mr Grey, I believe he should be treated with some kind of tolerance and leverage in order to regain his social skills, this will help him to function.Representation of drug addicts and their affected families is also a key issue in the guardian. It takes the attitude that drugs in parents tear apart families and homes. Although drug addiction is self-destructive it also destroys the people around the addict. Camera closes in on Jon's daughters and deep music is played in the background to heighten the tragedy of Lucy's experience in helping her father (Jon) buy and inject drugs. Body language of Jon is used to show the destruction and emptiness of his life, his head is hung low, he sits very slouched and his co-ordination is poor. Jon is constantly sniffing, coughing and breathing heavily. He is very anxious all the time. His verbal language shows his shame as he shifts the blame "I got sick… My wife got cancer… I can be a better man." This shifting of the blame and making empty promises shows his incapability of being a parent, especially a single parent. This whole issue allowed me to think that it would be unfair to allow two girls to be under his control and supervision. I would think that the ‘Burkes' applying for custody of the children should gain this role in order for the best interest of the children. However with a solid and successful rehabilitation Jon should be able to be a frequently be apart of the children's life.

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Lawyers are represented via the protagonist name, the title of the TV drama and the soundtrack. Lawyers are presented as understanding and protect the vulnerable. Fallin (the blonde lawyer) comforts his client. The camera frames the girl on Fallin to reveal the small space that exists between them. The camera is placed behind Fallins' head and then switches to shoot the scene behind Lucys' head. This illustrates that they are listening and absorbing each other. Fallin attempts to confront her, he says "I know and I agree," this was in context to her disappointment of her father. However this is quite a strange thing to say and do as it blows the ‘real' job of a lawyer out of proportion. Lawyers do not go to police crime scene funerals or self investigate, lawyers are presented with evidence and use it to their best ability in order to help their client. Therefor I am positioned only to take no notice and view this particular issue as fictional and frivolous.The Secret Life of Us explores the idea of doctors an their relationship with there patients. It adopts the attitude that doctors can develop a close relationship with their patients. Doctors are presented as people whose patients and the people around them are clinically detached from them. Tony forms a close relationship with Fergus (a young aboriginal boy) suffering from severe pneumonia. Tony addresses Fergus using colloquial language and a friendly tone, "How are you feeling Ferg…How are you little man." He buys him a present to help him cope with his illness and comfort him, this is shown through the mid shots of Tony next to Fergus' bed. He constantly rubs his forehead as a sign of affection. His language is positive, optimistic and encouraging. "I want you to get well… you've got to use your energy and get well." Tony says to Alex (a female associate doctor) "I still have hope." Alex is negative about Fergus' operation. She says using negative language "it doesn't look good," yet Tony returns a strong sense of hope "yes, but the central lines in and its working." Tony runs to Ferguses bedside during Alex's wedding. Juxtaposition of the two settings (wedding and hospital0 highlights Tony's devotion and love towards his patient. Tony is also filmed discussing Fergus at home and on the way home revealing his concern, he also develops a close relationship with Fergus' parents, and breaks the news to Fergus' mother that the pneumonia is severe, he also answers all questions posed to him by Fergus' uncle. This shows that Tony goes beyond his required duty. This allowed me to take a high regard for the medical profession, as I would want a doctor who is actually interested in the welfare and care of his patient.It is shown that the medical is profession is not always fully professional. The representation of doctors shows this. Alex receives a poor report from a doctor who hasn't even worked with her before. It is evident that the doctor is unprofessional and sinister through his lack of etiquette in evaluating Alex' way of duty. When Alex passes him in the hotel corridor slow motion is used to illustrate and exaggerate the tension which exists between them and delineate the doctor as sinister and deceptive as he meets Alex's eyes and sharply looks away. This made me view and respond in a negative way, how could a senior worker mark you if they had never been exposed to your work. This is very unfair and shows me that there are holes in society and the workforce that need to be patched.Through The Secret Life of Us it is known that interracial relationships are around us and able to function. The friendship between an Aboriginal (Kel) and a white Australian (Alex) shows this. The text takes the attitude that Aborigines are not separate from white Australian society. They are a part of it. The text proposed that aborigines and white Australians could live and operate in a single society and form close relationships. This attitude is propagated via the construction of the character Kel and Alex and their interaction. Kel is deeply saddened that Alex is going to reside in London, the middle shot of her in her car slouched against the window, and weather is overcast to add to the tragic mood. Music playing highlights their friendship. A voice over is used to convey Kel's note she leaves to Alex. "I don't want you to go, you've been and inspiration and guide to me, I don't know what ill do with out you." This whole issue is very strong and I was enlightened and responded to think that there is a hope for an anti racist country, also if friendship is this strong in our world there is no need for destruction, war and violence.All TV dramas are supposed to explore and deal with certain prevalent issues in the current society. However some have greater effects than others do. The Guardian and The Secret Life of Us are excellent they deal with many significant issues and allow the viewer to be affected and respond in many ways. This would show the quality of the texts. Throughout both texts I was positioned in many situations which allowed me to respond in different ways and absorb the message and importance of the TV dramas.

Please note that this sample paper on Morrie is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Morrie, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Morrie will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, May 28, 2021

Discuss Management in the Irish Context

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Discuss Management in the Irish Context. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Discuss Management in the Irish Context paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Discuss Management in the Irish Context, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Discuss Management in the Irish Context paper at affordable prices!

To manage is to forecast and plan, to organise, to command, to co-ordinate and to control. (Fayol, H. 116)Basically, Management is a process of achieving desired results through the efficient use of human and material resources. The concept of Managerial effectiveness is a central issue in Management. It is the Manager's job to be effective.The Irish people attach a high value to good health services. They expect to have access to health services when needed and to receive the highest standard of medical and nursing care. This can be brought about most effectively by good management, including medical and nursing. However, if the personnel / staff in an organisation are satisfied and fulfilled by their role, then the organisation, as a whole, will run smoothly. This essay will look primarily at Personnel Management and how its effectiveness impacts upon the rest of the organisation. Of course, the primary responsibility of the Personnel Manager is the recruitment and retention of staff. Services stand or fall on the contribution of the staff who provide them. An organisation's workforce represents one of its most valuable resources.

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In addition to ensuring that people with the necessary experience are available to the services, a suitable balance must be achieved between the demand for and supply of the many skills needed in a modern health system. Because so many of the skills required are highly specialised and mobile, it is recognised that manpower planning at any level poses difficulties. In specialist areas, the number of people in training and the number of vacancies arising in any one year are often small, the period of time spent in training can be relatively long, so that calculations of need at the beginning of a training cycle are often overtaken by events; many of the skills are in demand internationally and emigration of skilled personnel can upset calculations of predicted supply. Notwithstanding, these difficulties, there is a need to keep the balance between supply and demand under review and a number of important issues need urgent attention. (Shaping a Healthier Future40)At operational level personnel management involves line managers dealing with day to day interactions with employees and handling most aspects of workplace Personnel Management. Line management incorporates all managers and supervisors responsible for running operational departments or sections in an organisation. Every business will succeed or fail depending on a limited and variable number of strategic factors. (Humble, J.W.,17017) The importance of effective management to the nation and the nations economy has grown considerably over the last quarter of a century, even more so in Ireland in recent years, with our Celtic Tiger phenomenon. This has impacted on the nation by the increasing demand for higher living standards, including a better healthcare service.The rapid advance in Information Technology has revolutionised many of the processes by which services are made available to patients/clients. Also the massive improvements in world-wide communication systems, leading to better and more timely information.It has been said that Healthcare in Ireland, in general, has been slow to initiate change. This could be true has healthcare is not a profit making business, therefore the changes in trends and needs of patients may not be apparent. If one was providing goods for the public but they could go somewhere else to get them cheaper or more effective this action would act as feedback to the business, and in turn, change would be brought about. In healthcare, if a patient needs medical attention they have no choice but to go to their local G.P./Hospital.Some managers and indeed staff find change threatening. A manager who is a good communicator and who can overcome any negative resistance to change and ‘sell' it to those affected by it, are assets to their organisation.Because of the rapidly changing nature of health services, all staff need to be aware of the need for continuing education and training. Employee training and development is an important facilitator of satisfactory employee performance, allowance employees to satisfy personal and organisational needs through their work. (Gunnigle, P.; Flood, P., 10154). Irish Nursing for example, enjoys a well deserved international reputation for excellence.Key findings of a survey carried out by the Office for Health Management, the purposes of which was to identify future development needs in the healthcare sector, showed that the majority of persons working in the health services in Ireland feel they have the greatest amount of skill, knowledge and experience in the following areas.᠋ Consumer Care;᠋ Leadership and Managing people;᠋ Group facilitation;᠋ Objective setting;᠋ Change Management.The priority areas that they identified for their career development were-᠋ Strategic Management;᠋ Resource Use;᠋ Project Management;᠋ Data analysis;᠋ Quality Management.The Office for Health Management have staged follow up workshops for participants to discuss the implications of the findings for Management and Development policy. (Office of Health Management Annual Report 000)The Celtic Tiger has also brought about better remuneration packages for workers, but this in turn has lead to pay claims from different disciplines of staff who feel they are not being paid their worth. This, of course, leads to conflict something almost every manager, when working in an organisation as large as a Health Board, will encounter during the course of his or her career.Working together for a better health service provides for a new active relationship in managing change characterised by employee participation and consultation, the development of joint objectives, co-operation and trust and the delivery of patient-focused quality health services. The above is the mission statement of the National Health Services Partnership Agreement. Partnership is seen as an approach to modernisation of public services through engagement of all participants in development of a shared vision of organisational objectives and goals. Partnership committees have been set up in each health board, to ensure the good management and implementation of the agreement.The partnership approach is seen as facilitating adaptability, change and innovation in methods of service delivery and in minimising or eliminating conflict in the resolution of difficulties with the objective of improving the quality of service for those who receive treatment and care from health service providers. One of the key principles underpinning the partnership approach is effective management of people at all levels and performance review.The cornerstone of employee relations is the contractual relationship that exists between an employee and his or her employer, even where aspects of the relationship are subject to collective agreements. (Cole, G.A. 168)Employee relations in Ireland today, is dominated by organisation wide relationships rather than by arrangements made between trade unions and employers' bodies. The emphasis now is less on producing joint procedures and rules of behaviour and more on gaining mutual commitment to organisational success.A well designed organisation usually ensures that managerial effectiveness and only managerial effectiveness, leads to personal rewards. While organisations do vary in the extent, speed and adequacy of rewards for effectiveness, there can be little doubt that, in the long run the effective manager is the rewarded one. The rewards are usually concrete in terms of salary, level of position and advancement rate. (Reddin, W.J.; Kehoe, P.T. 1746)There is evidence that the Health Boards are changing. Hospitals, for instance, are no longer judged by the number of beds they have. There is a link between the volume of a particular type of work a hospital does and the quality of the results that are achieved. That has implications for hospitals, which traditionally served small communities and explains why hospitals outside large cities are forging links with other hospitals so that, by sharing work, they can each achieve the quality standards expected of a modern hospital.In conclusion, in my opinion the Healthcare Services are changing all the time. The Health Services are becoming a more health conscious place to work not only for patients/client but also for staff. The introduction of new posts such as Health Education Officers, Employee Assistance Officers shows that the Management of the Health Boards are conscious of the fact that they not only have a responsibility to the public but also to their staff. The promise of an investment of £,000 million in healthcare facilities over the lifetime of the recently published National Development Plan makes it safe to predict that Ireland will retain it's premier division healthcare status for the foreseeable future.

Please note that this sample paper on Discuss Management in the Irish Context is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Discuss Management in the Irish Context, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Discuss Management in the Irish Context will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban paper at affordable prices!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (EB)Dear Mrs. Farkas,

My book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, by J.K Rowling. It is about Harry Potter, a young wizard who is now 1, and is known by every wizard because he survived from the greatest dark wizard, Voldemort. Harry has had many encounters with Lord Voldemort, and survived each time! Anyway Harry has just received letters from all his good friends like Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Hagrid. With the letters where birthday presents for his 1th birthday. Harry also got a letter from Professor McGonagall, saying when school starts and that third years are allowed to visit Hogsmeade, with a permission letter. When Harry asks his uncle for permission to go to Hogsmeade, his aunt Marge is also there. His uncle Vernon says no, and then his Aunt Marge starts laughing and agrees. Harry gets really mad at his aunt and blows her up! Then Harry realizing he can't do magic outside of school, gets his bags and makes a run for it. He wants to live his life as a hobo, but first has to go to Gringotts Bank to get his gold out. What will happen to Harry next?

At night Harry is trying to get to London somehow, and then he sees this bear like dog about to attack him. Suddenly a bus comes called the Knight Bus, it helps the lost wizards and takes them to where they want to go. On the bus Harry gives a fake name, his friends name Neville Longbottom. The assistant on the bus Sam gives Harry the newspaper, on the front is on article about Sirius Black says to be the heir apparent of Lord Voldemort. He killed 1 people with one single curse! And after 1 years locked up in Azkaban (a wizard jail surrounded by dementors who are demons the are 1 feet tall and where a hood to cover their whole body very dangerous!) Black escapes and that is suppose to be impossible. When Harry gets to London he gets to Diagon Alley where he buys his school supplies, but he wants to go to the bank. Then Cornelius Fudge the Minister of the Ministry of Magic finds Harry and says hello and gives Harry a room at the Leaky Cauldron and tells Harry not to get out after dark. Harry is surprised he is not suspended. Later Ron comes with his family and Hermione and they shop around for their supplies. The night before Harry was supposed to go to school Harry hears Ron's parents arguing about telling Harry about Sirius Black that he is out to kill Harry because one of the guards at Azkaban heard Sirius muttering in his sleep that "he's in Hogwarts".

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Harry is not scared because he thinks Sirius can't be any worse then Voldemort.On the train to Hogwarts Harry sees a dementor, and faints, and then later wakes up. At school Harry is teased about the dementor incident a little. Harry has two new teachers for Defense against the Dark Arts he has Professor Lupin who have both taken a liking to each other. And for his new class Divination Harry had Professor Trelawny who predicted a lot of bad stuff, and Harry's death this year. Also the Fat Lady (the Gryffindor password holder) had been stabbed by who she says was Sirius Black! Dumbledore take precaution and tells everyone to stay inside and will be suspended if caught. Everyone was keeping a close watch on Harry especially the teachers because Harry was targeted by Black. Ron's pet rat Scabbers has been eaten by Hermione's pet cat Crookshanks, now Ron is really angry at Hermione and wont talk to her. Harry and the other Gryffindor teammates had to verse Ravenclaw in Quidditch. Harry saw a dementor and fainted again, dropped from 50 feet and broke his broomstick, they also lost the match, they had to win if they wanted the Trophy. Later Harry found this map called the Marauder's Map it is the map of the whole building, all the secret passages and tells where everyone is, works on invisibility cloaks also. Harry also got a Firebolt the best broomstick ever, everybody treated it like royal. But they didn't know who it was from, no card. Hermione tells Professor McGonagall that Harry got a broomstick, from someone and she took it to check it for jinxes incase it was sent by Sirius. They where both mad at her now. Harry was practicing with Professor Lupin on how to stop the dementors in case they show up in Harry's game with Ravenclaw. Harry learned the Patronus a spell which is for advanced wizards. On Harry's game against Ravenclaw he got his Firebolt back, and caught the snitch and won the game. In the Gryffindor common room there was a party. Later that night while everybody was sleeping Ron woke up with an ear shattering yell, he said he saw Sirius Black standing on his bedside with a knife! Nobody believed him at first, but then Professor McGonagall asked Sir Cadagon if he saw anyone come in and he said yeah a man, he had all the passwords.Hagrid's bird Buckbeak was going to be executed in a couple of days and Harry, Ron, and Hermione comforted him. Harry and Ron started talking again to Hermione, and she had smacked Malfoy their nemesis across the face. Harry and the team had beat Slytherin in the Quidditch final and Harry was awarded the trophy! The three kids went to Hagrid's house, to comfort him and there Ron found his rat Scabbers. They all left because Dumbledore and the executor were coming. While the three were walking under the invisibility cloak, Ron dropped Scabbers and ran for him. In the Whomping Willow Tree. There the three saw Crookshanks and the bear like dog for the 6th time. The dog took ran by his mouth and while dragging him broke his leg. Harry and Hermione found a tunnel which lead to the Shrieking Shack where no one dare goes. There they saw Crookshanks and Ron lying on the bed holding his leg. Ron told Harry that the dog is Sirius Black he's and Animagus. (the power to change into an animal and human.) Sirius was right behind Harry and with Ron's wand disarmed Harry and Hermione and talked to Harry about Harry's father and how they were friends. Suddenly Harry reached up and got his wand, and disarmed Sirius. He was pointing his wand at Sirius's chest and was about to kill him. Then suddenly Professor Remus Lupin came disarmed Harry and Hermione and picked up Sirius and held him like a brother. Harry and Hermione thought that Lupin betrayed them and helped Black into the castle, but he denied that he did that. He convinced the three kids to let him and Black tell them the truth. He said that Ron's rat Scabbers wasn't a rat it was an Animagus, by the name of Peter Pettigrew. Lupin starts his story by saying that when he was little he was bitten by a werewolf and every full moon he turned into a werewolf. But Dumbledore let Remus in his school and built the Whomping Willow and the tunnel for Remus to stay every month because he was dangerous. He was happy he had friends, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter. When Lupin's friends found out that he was a werewolf they helped him they decided to become Animagus. They also told on how Black tricked Snape into almost getting killed because he was nosy and James had then saved Snape.

Then suddenly Snape came out of the invisibility cloak he was hiding in, and disarmed everybody and tied Lupin. Snape was about to kill Black, but Harry not knowing why really stopped Snape and made him unconscious. Then Lupin took the rat from Ron did a spell on it then suddenly it turned into Peter Pettigrew. He denied everything Snape said about betraying Lily and James Potter (he was the secret keeper) and going to Lord Voldemort, and tried to put it on Black. After making Peter confess a little Lupin asked Harry if you believed him and Snape, Harry nodded his head as in yes. Then Peter confessed everything that he killed Lily and James Potter that he killed the thirteen people and blamed Black. Just about when Lupin and Sirius were about to kill Peter Harry stopped them and said this is proof to get out Black. Harry remembering Black was his godfather. They tied Peter up with Ron who couldn't walk and Snape by himself. They were almost in the castle when Lupin who didn't take his potion turned into a werewolf, and was dangerous, Black told Harry to take Ron, Hermione, and Peter, but then Peter transformed into a rat and ran away. Then the 1 dementors came the were about to kill Harry and Black who was bleeding, suddenly Harry did a Patronus that was really strong, Hermione got knocked out doing it, then while Harry was fainting he saw his dead come out of his wand and stop the dementors.Harry and Hermione woke up in the hospital in Hogwarts they saw Mr. Fudge congratulating Snape, Snape said he stopped the dementors. They found out that Sirius was going to be executed. Dumbledore came to talk Harry and Hermione saying there nothing he can do. Then he said "only if we can go back in time." That rang a bell in Hermione's ear she took Harry and put a necklace on him, as well as her, "you must not be seen" says Dumbledore. Harry is very confused. Hermione tells Harry that Professor McGonagall his given her something to go back in time, so she can do her studies, but no one should see them. They go back in the past and they had to save two innocent lives Buckbeak's and Blacks. This was going to be impossible they thought. They found Buckbeak and saw themselves going into the Whomping Willow. They waited until the executor saw Buckbeak and then they took Buckbeak. After an hour they saw themselves leaving the tunnel. Then the executor getting the dementors to kill Sirius. Then Harry and Hermione go on Buckbeak flew up to Sirius and rescued him. Then Hermione and Harry went back to the Hospital, laid down and Hermione flipped the time glass over again. They were back. Snape was furious of what happen, and Dumbledore congratulated Harry and Hermione. They told Ron what happen. Then Gryffindor won the house cup. While Harry was on the train he got a letter from Sirius, saying that he gave him the Firebolt and that he is on the run. He also gave Harry permission to go to Hogsmeade on the weekends as Sirius is his godfather. That was my book.


Tarun Goyal

Please note that this sample paper on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What happened to egghead?

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on What happened to egghead?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality What happened to egghead? paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in What happened to egghead?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your What happened to egghead? paper at affordable prices with custom writing service! From Egghead to its no yolk so let us eggsplain!Introduction and Background

Egghead Software was founded in 185 in Spokane, Washington. Egghead was a well-respected retailer of computer software. Egghead enjoyed a period of incredible growth, with wide brand recognition with the quirky character, Professor Egghead.Eggspansion

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Rapidly expanding from the original store in 185 to over a hundred stores in 188, the company finally went public in 18. By 1, Egghead was considered an industry leader, partnering with Microsoft on the release of Windows .1, and IBM, on the 5.0 upgrade. 500 employees and 180 stores made up Egghead Software, by then, know as ¡§North America¡¦s Software Eggsperts.¡¨

The company relied on the expertise of their sales staff to help customers understand these wonderful new machines. Yet, as the market for personal computers exploded, competitors began experimenting with different business models. As customers became more sophisticated, Egghead held onto the notion that customers needed help in selecting software, and that they would be willing to buy software in a different location than hardware¡Kgiven the high margins on hardware, the computer superstore was born. ¡§Big box¡¨ retailers could afford to aggressively promote (lower margin) software with the hardware purchase. As consumers became more computer-literate, they needed less handholding, and demanded convenience and low prices.Great Eggspectations Unmet

Egghead watched this fundamental dynamic develop without changing their business model. By 15, the company had changed CEO¡¦s three times, and was searching for a way out of financial troubles. The company had no consistent vision, no strategy for competing with the big box retailers, no strategy for Internet commerce, and revenues and margins were plummeting.

Finally, in 16, George Orban assumed the position of CEO, knowing he had two years to reorganize or liquidate. Clearly, the retailing operation was producing mixed results. A serious comparison of margins by location showed that some stores were bleeding cash. A decision was made to close about half the stores, cut back from ,000 employees to 00, and to look toward the Internet for the business of the future.Nearing Eggstinction

The decision to transition from Egghead to was a bold strategic move that radically altered the way Egghead operated, but one that ultimately saved the company from bankruptcy and liquidation.

In the analysis that follows, our study group will analyze the internal and external forces that acted upon, and affected Egghead in their metamorphosis from brick and mortar retailer to successful E-tailer. We also have drawn some conclusions, and made some recommendations about where Egghead missed opportunities, and where they have capitalized on them.Business Mission

The Egghead Company focused on selling software products to customers with a knowledgeable sales staff. The business mission changed in the late 10¡¦s when the company decided to close the brick-and mortar retail stores and begin selling computer products as an Internet business.SWOT AnalysisInternal Strengths for Egghead

Upon the inception of Egghead in 185 Cictor Alhadeff¡¦s vision was to set-up a customer-friendly environment. His vision was an intricate part of the business and lead to the initial success of the company. The customer-friendly environment provided exceptional customer service and made shopping ¡§less intimidating¡¨ to the computer software customer. Customer service became a strong attribute to the company.

In 1, the organization had a large customer base built upon the premise of long-term software consultants. Direct sales in the corporate setting and government segment of the business provided a large revenue base for the company. The company also had a strong vendor relationship and marketing expertise that provided added strength to the organization. The strong growth in the company was attributed to marketing and allowed Egghead to develop and maintain a strong business relationship with IBM.Internal Weaknesses for Egghead

The company had a poor management team with no long-term strategy and a lack of vision for the organization as a whole. The organization grew much too fast with a lack of internal controls and proper management expertise to guide the company productively into the future. The company missed many opportunities. They could have moved into the catalog business [they later moved into the catalog business, however, after competition and around the time of the Internet when catalogs shopping became obsolete] created spin-off opportunities, and moved beyond software and into the hardware segment of the market.

After the founder of the company left, the company suffered through three CEO¡¦s within three years. Poor management continued to plague the organization and lead to poor management of inventory and shrinkage became a major problem. The high turnover rate at the Egghead stores resulted in the company finding it impossible to keep a knowledgeable sales staff in the store locations, which was the core value of the company.

When the final decision was made to become and Internet business the company faced an enormous problem. The security was not strong enough on the website and customer credit card numbers where hacked into and this became a major lawsuit against the Egghead Company. This ruined the reputation of the company to the customer and customer loyalty drastically declined.External Opportunities for Egghead

The opportunities for Egghead were to focus on the Internet business. This would reduce the cost of staffing, maintaining store locations, cutting inventory shrinkage, and this venue would allow products to reach an enormous customer base to grow the business and increase profits. This would allow the company to set growth plans on the new business and create order and structure to the company. Egghead would also keep all future options open and anticipate needed changes on time before competition.External Threats for Egghead

The external environment was greatly overlooked by Egghead management. External competition sold hardware and Egghead continued selling only software products. The company guaranteed and promoted knowledgeable sales staff. Yet, the company found this harder and harder to find knowledgeable sales help and had a hard time retaining the sales staff to the rapid turnover of the retail environment.

The company was not aware of customer needs. Customers wanted all-in-one shopping mega stores and Egghead continued the same business of small stores and narrow product assortment. As external competition increased in the computer product market, Egghead was not advancing as fast as competition. Clearly, Egghead had no direction for the future. Growing the Egghead business could be a dangerous risk due to the lack of management knowledge or understanding on how to grow the business.

When the company made the bold move to change the business from a brick-and-mortar business to an Internet business this could be seen as a serious risk for the company. The company had a lack of management expertise to run the business in this new venue. Yet, the company new they had to make a serious change and they accepted the risk to make the company successful. Conclusions and Recommendations was the former Egghead software store retailer with 180 brick-and-mortar locations. Competition from the mega superstores whittled Egghead down to 80 stores. Ultimately, the retailer decided to shut them down completely and run the business via the Internet.

Egghead Software began in 184 as a retail storefront for computer software, which grew quickly to an extensive chain with nationwide stores. From the beginning there was little discipline with no vision or business strategy. filed for bankruptcy on Aug. 15, 001. acquired the remaining assets of in December 001. So what happened? Where did the magic go? Moving the Egghead business online was a great vision. Egghead forgot to keep an eye on the most important thing, its loyal customers. There were shortcomings in customer service. Even in the brick-and-mortar world, Egghead had a reputation for turning a deaf ear to customers. There was also a time that hackers broke into Eggheads computer systems and attempted to access customer credit card information, which did damage to Egghead¡¦s reputation.

Eggheads business model of selling new, liquidated, and refurbished goods at super-low prices also fell prey to reality when advertising and co-op marketing dollars failed to materialize in a significant fashion, just as other Internet players in the same period.The following recommendations apply„X Continue to maintain customer focus through business transitions.„X Ensure and maintain security measures on customer data records.„X Build better senior management teams with long-term focus.„X Focus on inventory management and security to prevent retail theft.„X Keep all options open and anticipate change.„X Focus on strategic vision.

Please note that this sample paper on What happened to egghead? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on What happened to egghead?, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on What happened to egghead? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from custom writing service and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature.

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature. paper right on time.

Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature. paper at affordable prices!

Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed theories on human nature and how men govern themselves. With the passing of time, political views on the philosophy of government gradually changed. Despite their differences, Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, all became three of the most influential political theorists in the world. Their ideas and philosophies spread all over the world influencing the creation of many new governments. These philosophers all recognize that people develop a social contract within their society, but have differing views on what exactly the social contract is and how it is established. Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau each developed differing versions of the social contract, but all agreed that certain freedoms had been surrendered for society's protection and that the government has definite responsibilities to its citizens. Each philosopher agrees that before men came to govern themselves, they all existed in a state of nature. The state of nature is the condition men were in before political government came into existence, and what society would be if there was no government. Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau created a revolutionary idea of the state of nature. They did not believe government should be organized through the Church, therefore abandoning the idea of the divine right theory, where power of the King came directly from G-d. Starting from a clean slate, with no organized church, they needed a construct on what to build society on. The foundation of society began with the original state of nature. Hobbes's perception of the original state of nature is what would exist if there were no common power to execute and enforce the laws to restrain individuals. In this case, the laws of the jungle would prevail where only the fittest survive. Man's desires are insatiable. Since resources are scarce, humankind is naturally competitive, inevitably creating jealousy and hatred, which eventually leads to war. This constant state of war is what Hobbes' believes to be man's original state of nature. According to Hobbes, man cannot be trusted in the state of nature. Limits must be put on freedom and inalienable rights. Hobbes lived in the 17th century, and wrote during the time of the English Civil War. His political views were influenced by the war. Hobbes perceived that by bringing back the monarch, there would be an end to the civil war. On the other hand, John Locke believes the original state of nature is a state of perfect freedom where men do whatever it is in their will and ability to accomplish. Every man has the liberty to arrange his life in the manner he chooses, however no man has the liberty to kill himself. Unlike Hobbes' nature of constant war, Locke's state of nature is peaceful, based on the fact that men do not want to risk their lives by constantly fighting. All men desire the right to live and respect that everyone is after the same thing. Locke has these views because he has more faith in people than Hobbes. Man, according to Locke, is governed by reason in the state of nature. Locke was influenced by the revolutionary upheaval in a different way than Hobbes. The war caused Locke to dislike violence and extremes. Stability was the central assumption of his thinking. Hobbes' era started its reasoning from the assumption that man was naturally vicious or wicked, while Locke's era was more optimistic about man's nature and reasoning. The original state of nature, according to Rousseau, is the perfect state for man, where he is free. In the original state, man lives alone in innocence where he is virtuous. Rousseau does not agree that man is an aggressive and greedy being in the original state of nature as Hobbes suggests. He argues that men are truly happy in the state of nature. Only when men become sociable, they become wicked. In Rousseau's Social Contract, man is depicted as a "stupid and unimaginative animal." Man has no reason or conscience when in contact with others. Possessions begin to be claimed, but the inequality of skill lead to inequality of fortunes. Just the idea of claiming possessions excites men's passions, which provoke conflict, leading to war. Rousseau believes men are not perfect in their original state, but have the ability to live in a more perfect society with guidance of laws. Rousseau has the impression that if people believe they are part of the government, they will work, fight, and build, without complaining in the belief that what helps the good of all people is going to be beneficial to them. Rousseau was self-educated and based some of his theories on Hobbes and Locke. Preservation of mankind is the law of nature established by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. In order to abide by this law, man enters into an agreement, forming the social contract. The social contract is a theory that view's the foundation of morality being founded solely on uniform social agreements that serve the best interests of those who make the agreement. It is an agreement by which men are said to have abandoned the "state of nature" in order to form the society in which they now live. Hobbes believes that people surrender their natural rights and submit to the absolute authority of a sovereign, who attained power through the collective submission of the people. Even though the power of the sovereign is accumulated from the people, the sovereign has absolute power. Locke argued that agreement to absolute political power is irrational. A government where the power is limited and used to secure individual rights is necessary. The government is run by the people. Locke is opposed to Hobbes' view of royal absolutism. Rousseau, on the other hand, believes people should enter into a social contract where the individual must give up personal freedom to the general will, which is the sum of all private interests of the general people. Rousseau agrees with Locke in the sense that the government should be democratic, and he agrees with Hobbes that it should be absolute. Men are conditionally in competition for honor and dignity, according to Hobbes, from which envy and hatred arise, eventually causing war. With this view that humans are motivated only by selfish interests, Hobbes argues that people are better off living in a world with moral rules than without. Rules ensure the safety of everyone's property. Locke believes men make a social contract in order to preserve their natural rights, including that of property. Rousseau, on the other hand, believes that only possession exists in a state of nature. Property is acknowledged only when laws are made and abided by. In Rousseau's social contract, people convert their liberty from independence in the original state, into political and moral freedom. Rousseau does not agree with Hobbes's belief that war prevails among men in the state of nature because of pride, but says that war is a product of conflicts about property. Since property does not exist in the state of nature, neither does war. The state of nature, according to Locke, lacks impartial judges, precise laws, and sufficient power to uphold moral laws protecting both people and their property. The social contract is formed to improve things and create order. A government is formed with the basic purpose to serve the rights of the common good of the people. Locke justifies revolution if the government is not protecting the rights of the subjects. The job of the legislature is to represent the will of the majority. If the rights of the people are not protected, the legislature is not representing the will of the majority and should be replaced. This form of a government is representative of a democracy, which is prevalent in the United States. According to Hobbes, continual war is inevitable if there is no government. Since individuals in the state of nature do what is in their best self interest, at one point they decided to voluntarily and mutually transfer their rights to another person (the sovereign) in an attempt to get out of the miserable, constant state of war. Hobbes interpreted government to be a single governing body, made up of the power of the masses. Hobbes contends that if there is no power to keep people in awe, they will continually be in war against each other. For this reason, the power of the sovereign must be absolute. His idea of government is typical to that of a fascist regime. Revolution was only justified if the people were in a state of war with the government. In Rousseau's social contract, the individual must give up personal freedom to the general will, which is the sum of all private interest of the general people. Rousseau has the impression that if people believe they are part of the government, they will work, fight, and build, without complaining in the belief that what helps the good of all people is going to be beneficial to them. He believes men are inclined to be stupid creatures. If they believe they are part of the government, then they will not doubt anything. Doubting, according to Rousseau, will only hurt society. ‘Man's participation in society must be consistent with his existence as a free and rational being.' Society cannot be legitimate if subjects are enslaved. For this reason, man cannot be governed by a sovereign as Hobbes claims; instead, democratic institutions providing for civic freedom of subjects and their equal participation in legislative deliberation and decision is the necessary form of government. Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau constructed their own versions on what kind of government should prevail within a society in order for it to function properly. Each dismissed the divine right theory and needed to start from clean slate. They all agree that before men came to govern themselves, they all existed in a state of nature, which lacked society and structure. The three philosophers developed differing versions of the social contract, but all agreed that certain freedoms had been surrendered in order to improve the way of life. Please note that this sample paper on Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature., we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Theories on Human Nature. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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